Dear friends!

Welcome to the magic world of the most modern puppet art.

Modern puppet art gives a lot of joy, surprises by unique tricks and most unexpected transformations.

I create, design and make my puppets by myself. Each of my puppet was created with the use of new materials and technologies and includes unique design solutions.

Our puppets are from 1 to 8 meters in size and are designed for 700-1000 seats theatres.

Any our show, without extra baggage costs, can be delivered easily to any point of the World and can be demonstrated on absolutely any stage.

My puppets live on stage only because of spectators love.

Thank you for your love.

                           Nikolai Zykov    


Nikolai Zykov is an artist of the world stage, who has conquered spectators in more than 50 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, has created more than 200 unique puppets, glove, rod and experimental puppets. Nikolai is the author, director, artist and performer of more than 20 puppet shows with many international awards for innovative creativity and outstanding performance, including awards from the UNIMA World Puppeteers Congress.

Nikolai Zykov Theatre preserves and develops the art of puppetry based on the ancient traditions of different countries of the world by using innovative materials and technologies. Nikolai Zykov Theatre offers puppet performances for adults, children and family audience, master-classes for professionals and puppet lovers. All performances of Nikolai Zykov Theatre are wordless, can be presented on stages of any size, have minimum time for set up, have only 1 to 3 members of personnel and have no additional expenses for luggage.


CHILDREN TOURING SHOWS - electric light puppets, unique transforming and trick marionettes, radio-controlled and giant puppets in puppet show for children and family audience (60 min/ wordless/ up to 1000 spectators/ 3 persons on tour/ free luggage on Aeroflot flights).



TOURING SHOWS 12+ - unbelievable transformations of marionettes, multi award-winning puppets and new constructional types of animated objects (60-120min/ wordless/ up to 500 spectators/ 3 persons on tour/ free luggage on Aeroflot flights).


MASTER CLASSES - lectures-demonstrations about innovative puppets and modern marionettes for professionals and puppet lovers (60-90 min/ 1-3 persons/ no paid luggage/ up to 500 spectators/ language English, Russian).


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